CD limited to 666 handnumbered copies.
Re-released on LP in 2001 by Sombre Rec. limited to 100 copies.
Re-released as CD with poster in 2009 by Azermedoth Rec. Limited to 1000 copies
in deluxe slip case with poster and cards.
Titles in English are:
01.One and only universe, the realm of death and battlefield from the very
beginning of time
02.Poor wretched death or fame immortal, choice it is quite clear and simple
03.Bloody thoughts, as well as other different needs for easy running of war on
the battlefield
04.The rage of battle is just beginning ’cause in this moment midnight is
05.Warcraft, being my daily living as well as momentary, sacramental
06.Fatal destructive invasion, bringing undying fame to heroes and inevitable
death to loosers
1. | Všehomír Veškerý, Øíší Smrti I Polem Bitevním Od Samých Vìkùch Poèátkùch | 04:42 | |
2. | Bídná Smrt Neslavná Èi Sláva Nesmrtelná, Volba To� Jest Veskrze Jednoznaèná | 04:47 | |
3. | Myšlenky Krvelaèné, I Jiné Potøebnosti Všeliké, Pro Zdárný Prùbìh Bitvy Výhodné | 03:42 | |
4. | Bìsnìní Bitevní Právì Poèíná, Neb V Tomto Okamžení Hodina Pùlnoèní Odbývá | 05:44 | |
5. | Øemeslo Váleèné, To Jest Mi Chlebem Všedním I Taktéž Kratochvílí Sváteèní | 05:06 | |
6. | Invaze Všenièící, Pøinášející Slávu Nehynoucí Vítìzùm I Smrt Nezvratnou Poraženým | 05:07 | |
7. | Invaze (Agressor cover) | 02:54 | |
Total playing time | 32:02 |
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